Thursday, 20 October 2011

It's been a very busy couple of weeks in land of The Paper Garden. I've been selling quite a lot on Etsy and I'm currently busy making things for the Drawn In Bristol Pop Up Shop which is going to be in Quakers Friar near Cabot Circus in November and early December! I'm going to be doing quite a few markets so there's lots to make and design. I'm really excited about having my books on sale in a shop organised by such a great group of people and in such a fantastic location! Now it's just the case of deciding what is best to have for sale in there... Have a look at the Facebook event and Blog! There's loads of stuff going on :)

On the book front! ...

Here's the latest book I've made. It's made from a gorgeous red book cloth and coptic bound but with a Japanese Stab Bound design on the front and back covers! I'm waiting to list it in my shop as I want to keep it... downfall of being a stationery obsessed book binder!

I've got some new things listed in my Etsy - mini notebooks made from comics and a couple of the different blank canvas sketchbooks I've been making! Have a looksy :)


Sunday, 9 October 2011

I have been so busy lately, I've not had time to make much at all but alas! I had the whole weekend off this week and I did nothing but sit at my desk brainstorming, making and drinking vast amounts of coffee. Bliss.

Here's some things I have been working on :)


I was getting restless with the same binding on every book  -  I started doing a bit more Japanese stab binding to get a bit more variation and then I decided to experiment with my coptic binding. These little books are small - 4" square and the covers are made from canvas, part of my 'design and paint your own sketchbook' range. I'm blogging quite late so they aren't in my shop yet but they will be soon!
I'll be back tomorrow to talk about The Paper Garden's Christmas gift ideas! (Christmas already... eeek!)

